While many were enjoying a day on the lake or barbecuing or relaxing at home on Saturday, we were hard at work resuming work on the shooting range.

We’ve been approached by more and more groups wanting training. As tempting as it is to begin offering classes, I really want to complete our facilities first.
With COVID fears still lingering as well as the ammo shortage and 300% cost increase on what ammo is available, we feel the time is not ideal anyway.
We are pumping a ton of our labor and resources to go to extremes to build one of the nicest ranges in the region.
We’ve spent every spare weekend working on the facility. We could have half-heartedly graded it and thrown-out grass seed and called it good but people that know me understand that I don’t do anything half-heartedly. This range will rival any other outdoor range in the region.
Since our last update we have run electrical service and water service to the range and installed irrigation on the berms.
Yesterday, we installed irrigation in the bay floor and run communication conduits to the backstop from the utility hub at the back of the range.
The next steps will be to seed the berms with Bermuda grass and stakeout the bay floor for the edging and fine grade the bay floor and work on acquiring telephone poles for the edging.


Stay tuned for more updates!